Edward Neumann


My name is Edward Neumann and I’m a self taught photographer and artist from London. I grew up on the edges of South East, London until the age of 11 before moving to inner North West, London My entire body of work has been shot exclusively in the city I grew up in over a period spanning 13 years. My photography has its foundations cemented in architecture, however, I also try my hand at ‘Street’ and digital art. Architecture is something I have been immersed in from a young age. My father was a civil engineer who worked on large construction projects, from the refurbishment of the hangers used to house Concord, to the redevelopment of Victoria Station. He would often take us as children to see what he was working on and those days left a large impression on me. There are recurring themes which surface in my work. Namely, a penchant for black & white, immersive perspective, abstraction, and repetition.Immersive perspective especially creates drama and an opportunity to give the viewer an altered grounding in ‘reality’. However, symmetry is what speaks to me the most. Iโ€™ve had anxiety all my life, to the point where I missed 2 years of high school because of it. Symmetry brings an unrivalled calm to a mind often overwhelmed with chaos.Geometric patterns and motifs lend themselves to me too for similar reasons. Although I am self taught, I have had mentors to guide me, and academically have a BA/BSc in English Literature and Philosophy. Both of these aspects have helped me tremendously in terms of growth and improvement. That said Iโ€™m still aware I can improve and it is that which keeps me going. Iโ€™m never quite satisfied. If you have made it this far thanks for reading.




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