Elliot, an extraordinary individual, who possessed an unparalleled eye for photography. Back in the early 90s, he stood by my side as my assistant. A memorable incident occurred when, on our way to a fashion shoot in Miami, Elliot missed our flight! Yet, a day later, at the unexpected hour of 4 am, the phone rang. “Hey David, can you pick me up from the airport?” I was puzzled. “What? I’m at the Miami airport!” If it had been anyone else, a stern reprimand would have been the response, and leaving them stranded at the airport.
However, Elliot was different. Despite the unexpected turn of events, I headed to the airport and retrieved him. Throughout the subsequent two-week shoot, his talent as a human being mesmerised everyone involved. He transformed the trips challenges into anecdotes, leaving an indelible mark on our memories of that Miami shoot.
He sent me his work over the years for comment. I cherish those he sent me. What could I say other than brilliant!
There is a very detailed description of Elliots work Flowers on the Fine art America website, it’s worth a read.
Elliots official sales website is Fine Art America
By David Levine
RIP Elliot.