During the cusp of the new millennium, a fortuitous encounter led him to cross paths with the innovative minds behind the enigmatic Archive collective, namely Darius Keeler and Danny Griffiths. This encounter birthed a kinship that would shape his trajectory in the music sphere. By 2004, he found himself intricately woven into the fabric of the group, stepping in to infuse his vocals following the departure of Craig Walker. His inaugural contribution materialized in the album “Lights” in 2006, a precursor to an ongoing collaboration that extended across subsequent albums such as the immersive “Controlling Crowds” in 2009, the profound “Controlling Crowds Part IV” in 2009, and the emotive “With Us Until You’re Dead” in 2012, all alongside the distinguished “You All Look The Same To Me.”
Beyond lending his vocals, he deftly engaged in multifaceted roles within the creative process, embracing songwriting, guitar melodies, and even percussion, adding layers of depth to their sonic tapestry.
However, the crescendo of his musical journey found a new resonance in 2015 as he embarked on a fresh chapter. Teaming up with Robin Foster once more, they ventured into uncharted sonic realms, birthing the inaugural album of their collaborative endeavour, We Are Bodies—a testament to their synergistic creative prowess.
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